To the Dutch, cycling is as normal as breathing. We don’t think about it, we just do it. Perhaps the fact that we don’t think about it, is the key to the bicycle’s success in this country. But because we do not give cycling a second thought, we don’t really know what the deeper needs of cyclists are. In the documentary ‘Why we cycle’ we take a ride with ordinary cyclists and specialists from a variety of disciplines. These conversations uncover some obvious, but even more hidden effects of cycling on people, on societies, and on the organization of cities.
Why we cycle is now available as Vimeo on Demand Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Papiamento, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Slovanian, Spanish, Thai and Turkish subtitles.
Gertjan Hulster – Arne Gielen – Marco te Brömmelstroet – Jeroen Dirks
Please sent an email if you have any questions about Why We Cycle or if you want to show or broadcast the documentary.
All screenings are postponed because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Nice, France 6th of March (FRENCH | 18:30 | Maison des associations
Lille, France 5th of March (20:00 | FRENCH | 58 Rue du Port, 59800 | info)
Colmar, France 5th of March (19:00 | FRENCH | info| Foyer Ste-Marie | 14 Reu Maimbourg)
Olibia, Italy 28th of February (ITALIAN | 18:00 | hub.mat | Via del Porpora 50 | info)
Glasgow East, UK the 28th of February (18:00 | 539 Victoria Road, Langside Lane, G42 8BH Glasgow | info | tickets)
Perpignan, France 28th of February (19:00 | FRENCH | Cinéma Castillet | info)
Glasgow West, UK the 27th of February (18:00 | 65 Haugh Road, G3 8TX Glasgow | info | tickets)
Paris 5e, France the 23rd of February (FRENCH | 16:00 – 18:00 | le Grand Action 5 rue des Ecole 75005 Paris | info)
La rochelle, France the 21th of February (FRENCH | 20h | ROOF |22 rue Cardinal – 17000 La Rochelle | info)
Dijon, France 13th of February 2020 (FRENCH | 19:30 | Darcy Comedie | 10 Rue Desvosge | info)
Halen, België 12th of February 2020 (NEDERLANDS | 20:30 | info)
Waganui, New Zealand 11th of February 2020 (17:30 | 2 Victoria Avenue | info)
Berlin, Germany 9th of February 2020 (GERMAN | 19:30 | Mareschstraße 1, 12055 | info)
Ferney Voltaire, France 20th of January 2020 (FRENCH)
Marseille, France 24st of January 2020 (FRANÇAIS | 19:00 |Théâtre de l”Oeuvre | Rue Mission de France 13001 | info)
Washington DC, USA 14th of December (13:00-15:00 EST |Northeast Library, 330 7th Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 | info)
Falco, Belgium 13th of December (DUTCH | Beestenmarkt 1, 1500 Halle, Brabant | info)
Turin, Italy 5th of December (ITALIAN | 18:00 | Bike Pride | Viale Michelotti,102, 10132 | info)
Lisboa, Portugal 6th of December (PORTUGESE | info)
Quezon City, Philippines 6th, 7th and 8th of December (info)
Łódź, Poland 6th of December (16:00 – 18:00 | Łódzka Okręgowa Izba Architektów | Północna 12 | przystanekarchitektura.pl | info | tickets)
Villeneuve-la-Garenne Paris, France 9th of December (FRANCAIS | 20:00h | Salle Malreux)
Lausanne, Switzerland, 4th of December (FRANCAIS | 19:00 | Pl. de l’Europe 1b, 1003 | info)
Telearuba, Aruba 28th of November (PAPIEMENTO | Kanaal 23 |12:00-13:00)
Saint-Nazaire, France 28th of November (20h15 | Cinéville | info)
Yangon, Myanmar 26 November 2019 (closed screening Dohain)
Seattle, Washington, USA 22th of November (19:00 | Cascade Bicycle club |7787 62nd Ave NE, Seattle, Washington 98115 | info)
Salon de Provence, France 22nd November (55 Rue André Ampère | 20:00 | info)
Crest, France 21st of November (FRANCAIS |20:30 | Velo dans le Ville | Cinéma l’EDEN)
Lille, France 19th of November (FRANCAIS | International Student Week – Université de Lille)
Seattle, Washington, USA 15th of November (19:00 | Cascade Bicycle club |7787 62nd Ave NE, Seattle, Washington 98115 | info)
Invercargil, New Zealand, 15th of November (18:30 | Sit Centrestage Theater | Hosted by Murihiku By Bike | info)
Kielce, Poland 14th of November (19:00h | Kino Moskwa Staszica, 25-008 | info)
Auderghem, France, 8th of November (FRANCAIS | 20:00 | Centre Culturel d’Auderghem – CCA | Hosted by GRACQ Auderghem | info)
Biot, France 7th of November (FRANCAIS |8-10 route de Valbonne, 06410 Biot, Alpes-Maritim | info)
Rambouillet, France, 5th of November (FRANCAIS | 20:00h | Nickel Odeon | 50 Rue de Muguet | info)
Nuoro, Itlay 5th of November (ITALIAN | 18:00 | Via Marisa Bellisario | info)
Mouans-Sartoux, France 29th of October (FRANCAIS | 18:30 | info)
Tervuren, Belgium 23rd of October (20:00h | Foyer de Warandepoort | info)
Culver City California, USA 12 October (1:30 pm |Envoy |8575 Washington Boulevard |info)
Chaville, France October 11, 2019 (FRENCH |Atrium De Chaville
In cooperation with La Ville a Velo
8.30pm |info)
Winnipeg, Canada October 3, 2019 (90 Annabella Street. A ModeShift Public Event | 7pm | Info)
Mouans-Sartoux, France October 4, 2019 (FRENCH | Cinéma La Strada | 7pm | Info )
Rize, Turkey October 2019 (TURKISH, Together with Dutch Consulate |More info will follow)
Darmstadt, Germany 6th of October (GERMAN |19:30 | Energieagenten, Nieder-Ramstädter Straße 57a | info)
Graz, Austria 6th of October (GERMAN)
Vienna, Austria on 30th of September 2019 (GERMAN | info)
Enschede, Netherlands on September 30, 2019 (DUTCH | Concordia | With Bicycle Mayor (and racing legend) Hennie Kuipers | 7.30pm | Info)
Tilburg, Netherlands 29 September (DUTCH | 13:00 | LocHal | info)
Kahramankazan/Ankara, Turkey September, 2019 (TURKISH | Together with Dutch Consulate | Date/time/location to be confirmed)
Konya, Turkey September 22, 2019 (TURKISH | At Yeni Stadyum Alani (will be closed to traffic |One or two screenings – open air (depends on the weather conditions) |Together with Dutch Consulate)
Izmir, Turkey September 21-22, 2019 (TURKISH | At Havagazi facilities
Together with Dutch Consulate | 21 September at 8.30pm |22 September (time to be confirmed)| 2 more screenings during the EU Mobility Week)
Ankara, Turkey September 22, 2019 (TURKISH | 6 screenings as from 13:00 hr at Bahceli 7th street and Tunali/ Bestekar street | Together with Dutch Consulate)
Strasbourg, France September 22, 2019 (FRENCH | La Grenze & Velorution | 6pm |info)
Konya, Turkey September 21, 2019 (TURKISH | At Tantavi Ambari
Together with Dutch Consulate| 2 screenings between 2pm-3.30pm)
Zeytinburnu/Istanbul, Turkey September 21, 2019 (TURKISH | At Zeytinburnu Kultur ve Sanat Merkezi | Together with Dutch Consulate | 6pm)
San Jose, Costa Rica September 21, 2019 (SPANISH | At the ExpoBici, in the Clínica Bíblica Parking Building, 16th Ave., Central and 1st Street | Sponsored by Ecociclistas and Ciclismo Urbano | 6.30pm | Info)
Canakkale, Turkey September 19, 2019 (TURKISH | Troya Müzesi (Museum Troy) | Together with Dutch Consulate |0.30pm )
GIf-sur-Yvette, France on September 19th (9:30 pm in open air
cinema, at Gif-Moulon – Plateau de Saclay (91) if any at the Centrale Supelec
Paris, France September 19, 2019 (FRENCH | L’institut Paris Region, Salle Delouvrier | 11am | info)
Templeuve, France September 19, 2019 (FRENCH, Olympia Ciné | ADAV | info)
Amasra, Turkey September 19, 2019 (TURKISH, At Kulturpark – Amasra | Together with Dutch Consulate| 9:30pm)
Lüleburgaz, Turkey September 18, 2019 (TURKISH| Lüleburgaz Yıldızları Motosiklet ve Bisiklet Akademisi | Together with Dutch Consulate | 8pm)
Tepebasi/Eskisehir, Turkey September 18, 2019 (TURKISH |Özdilek Arts Center | Together with Dutch Consulate |7.30pm )
Giresun, Turkey September 17, 2019 (TURKISH, Cumhuriyet Meydanı |Together with Dutch consulate | 13:00 )
Aix en Provence, France on September 18th (FRENCH | 19:30 | Cinema de Gardanne | 11 Course Forbin | info)
Argenteuil, France 17th of September 2019
Poznan, Poland on September 15, 2019
Olbia, Italy on September 15th (ITALIAN | 20:00 | Politechnico | Argonauti | info)
Tokyo, Japan 28th of August 2019 (JAPANESE | 18:30 | Shibuya Hikarie 8F COURT | info)
Assen, Netherlands on 30th of July 2019 (DUTCH | info)
Gdynia, Poland
Tunis, Tunisia on 25th of July 2019 (FRENCH | Cité de la Culture)
Tours, France on June 28th 2019 (FRENCH | Centre de vie du sanitas | Salle polyvalente 8pm)
Fontenay-aux-Roses, France on June 22nd 2019 (FRENCH | 15:00 film, 10:00 cycle tour | info)
Lamorlaye, France on 20th of June 2019 (FRENCH | 20h | info)
Utrecht, Netherlands on 19th of June (DUTCH, Duurzame week | De Kargadoor | Oudegracht 36 Utrecht | 19:30 | info)
Ede, Netherlands on 18th of June (DUTCH, De fietser)
Houten, The Netherlands on June 18th (DUTCH, fietscafe Joinn | info)
Haarlem, Netherlands on June 15th (DUTCH | Klein Heiligland 47 | 16:00 u | Dag van de architectuur | ABC Architectuurcentrum Haarlem )
Paris, France on 15th of June (FRENCH | 10h / 11h30 / 14h30 / 16h | le Péniche Concorde Atlantique | info)
Mâcon, France on 7th of June, (Médiathèque)
Santiago, Chile on 5th of June (SPANNISH | 20:00 | Matucana 100)
Obernai, France on June the 5th 2019 (FRENCH)
Paris, France on 4th June 2019 (FRENCH | 18h00 | A l’ ENSTA 828 bd des Maréchaux 91120 PALAISEAU | Free entry but compulsory registration)
Grenoble, France on June the 4th (FRENCH| 18:00h | info)
Guwahati, India on June the 3rd 2019 (Shilpgram Guwahati | 5 pm)
Tilburg, Netherlands on June the 3rd 2019 (DUTCH | Cinecitta |Willem II straat 29)
Santa Maria, United States of America on June 2nd 2019 (SB Bike shop)
LLoydminster, Alberta, Canada on May 28th (6:30 pm | 56 Avenue Lloydminster | info)
Christchurch, New Zealand on 26th of May (5:45 pm | 12 Winchester St, Merivale, Christchurch | The Big Bike Film Night | info)
Sceaux, France on May 24th (20:30 | Cinema Trianon | info)
Lyon, France on May 23rd (FRENCH | 20:00 | MJC Villeurbanne | info)
Brussels, Belgium on May 23rd (FRENCH | 20:00 | Waterlose Steenweg, 94 1060 Sint-Gillis | info)
Guelph, Canada on May 22nd 2019 (6:30 pm | The Bookshelf Cinema | 41 Quebec St | info)
The Hague, Netherlands 21st of May (DUTCH | Closed screening Provincie Zuid Holland)
Vincennes, France on May 21st 2019 (FRENCH | Espace Sorano | 16 rue Charles Pathé | 8pm | info )
Kitchener, Canada on May 21st (19:00 u | info | University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy)
Reno (NV), USA on May 17th 2019 (Bike Washoe | Patagonia outlet 7pm | info)
Angers, France on May 17th 2019 (FRENCH | Amphithéâtre de la Faculté de Saint-Serge 7pm | Free entry | info)
Istanbul, Turkey on May the 16th (TURKISH | The Palais de Hollande | WOBI (Women On Bicycle Initiative) | Bisikletli Kadın İnisiyatifi)
Goleta, Santa Barbara, United states of America 16th of May (19:30 | Pub: Draftsman | info)
Eugene, Oregon, United States of America 15th of May (after ride of silence | info)
Mairie-Palaiseau, Ile de France, France on May 15th (FRENCH | info )
Bourg-Saint-Mauric, France on May 15th (FRENCH | 19:30 | Cinéma Le Cœur d’O | info)
Nürnberg, Germany on May 10&11 (GERMAN | Casablanca Filmkünsttheater | Fahrrad Film Festival | info)
Vigo, Spain on May 11th 2019 (SPANISH |Casco vello alto | A golpe de pedal | 10pm | info)
Brussel, Belgium on May 8th (6th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans)
Geel, Belgium on 25th of April (DUTCH | info)
Kamloops, Canada on 24th of April 2019 (info | Films for change | 19:00 | Tru clock tower Alumni Theater)
Lima, Peru on April 22th (20:00 h | SPANNISH | Dutch Embaasy | info)
Zagreb, Croatia on 20th of April (19:00 | Dokukino Kic | info)
Coppet, Switzerland on April 11, 2019 (FRENCH | Théâtre de Terre-Sainte Route du Jura, 1296 Coppet | 6pm | info)
Genève, Switzerland on April 10th 2019 (Cinelux | 8pm | info)
Diest, Belgium on April 10th 2019. (Begijnhof | 8.30pm | info)
Douai, France on April 8th (FRENCH | Cinéma Le Majestic | 18:30 | info)
Toronto, Canada on April 1st 2019 (As part of Ontario Bike Summit | info)
Neuchâtel, Swiss on March 29th at 19h30 (FRENCH | location: The Black Office | Velocité bike couriers and Pro Velo Neuchâtel)
Dublin, Ireland on March 28th 2019 (TU Dublin | Aungier Street | 2.15pm)
Montpellier, France on March 25th 2019 (FRENCH | info)
Paris, France on March 19th 2019 (FRENCH | Amfitheater Salle Jean Moulin | 13 rue de l’Université | info)
Massy Palaiseau, France on March 16th 2019 (info)
West Palm beach, United States on 13th of March (Bike-in-movie | info)
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States on March 11th 2019 (Harvard Graduate School of Design | Info)
Washington, United States of America on March 11th 2019 (Bike Summit with Dutch Embassy)
Avon, France on March 11th 2019 (info)
Montevideo, Uruguay on 8th – 10th of March 2019 (Bike Film Festival – Uruguay | Uruguayan Cinémathèque)
Saint-Ouen, France on 9th of March 2019 (14:45 | à la serre de grand parc)
Biaritz, France on March 8th 2019 (Cinéma Royal | 8.15pm | info)
Bordeaux, France on March 4th 2019 (Ciné-Débat à l’Utopia | Vélo-Cité Bordeaux Métropole | 8.30pm | info)
Chicago, United States on 2st and 9th of March ( One Earth Film Festival | info)
Timisoara, Romania on Februari 20th 2019 (Aethernativ | 6.30pm | info )
Oxford, UK on February 21th 2019 (info)
Paris, France on February 21th 2019 (FRENCH | Le Brady | 7.30pm | info)
Tienen, Belgium on Februari 22 2019 (Dutch version: Gewoon fietsen, info)
Istanbul, Turkey on Februari 13, 2019 (TURKISH | Hollanda Konsolosluğu/Dutch consulate)
Maastricht, Nederland on February 10th 2019, 13:00 uur (Dutch version: Gewoon fietsen | Lumière | info)
Pau, France on February 8th 2019 (Cinéma Le Méliès | 8.15pm | info)
Skanderborg. Denmark on February 6 2019 (info)
Roden, Netherlands on February 4th 2019 (Cinema de Winsinghhof | 7pm | info)
Chambéry, France on 31th January 2019 (Info)
Reims, France on January 19 2019 (info)
Bergen, Norway on January 17th 2019 (Details)
Paris, France on January 16 th 2019 ( Ville de Montreuil)
Oranjestad, Aruba on January 14 th, 2019. (Dutch version: Gewoon fietsen)
Sittard, Nederland on January 14 th, 2019. (Dutch version: Gewoon fietsen. Closed screening at De Domeinen)
Lier, Belgium on November 27th 8pm (CC Vredeberg | info)
Ponte Sainte-Maxence, France on November 30th 20:00 (Bibliothèque
Rennes, France on December 1st (FUB)
Brussels, Belgium on december 4th 19.30 (Muntpunt bibliotheek ism De Buren | info)
ADFC, Germany on November 23th (SüdOstForum des ADFC Bayern, des ADFC Thüringen und des ADFC Sachsen)
Timișoara, Rumania on November 21th (Aethernativ | 6.30pm | info)
Derry, Northern Ireland on November 18th, 15:30 (Nerve Centre | Foyle Film Festival with Cycle Derry and Cyclist.ie | info)
Yverdon-les-Bains, Swiss on November 12 th (Pro Velo Region Yverdon-les-Bains 8.15 pm | info )
Mexico-city, Mexico on November 10th, 12:00 (Museo Nacional de las Culturas | info)
Ghent, Belgium on November 9th (Sphinx Cinema | info)
Montréal, Canada on november 8th 201:15 (La Coalition vélo de Montréal et Mobycon | Maison du développement durable| info)
Reims, France on November 6th, 19:00h (Vél’Oxygène Reims | info)
Perth, Australia on November 2nd (Perth Bike Hub | North Perth Town Hall | info)
Christchurch, New Zealand on November 1st (Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu | info)
Bedingo, Australia on 29th of October (Presentation of ‘Building the cycling city’ by Modacity)
Beirut, Libanon on October 27th (Sursock Museum | info follows)
Auckland, New Zealand on October 18th (The Vic Devonport | info)
Bucharest, Romania on October 15th | 18:30 (Cinema Elvire Popesco | info)
Dundee, Scotland on October 11th (Dalhousie | 6:30pm | info)
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine on October 6 (RUSSIAN version | Veloforum)
Prague, Czech republic on October 3rd (International Film and architecture | Info)
Copenhagen, Denmark on October 3rd (Gloria Biograf | info)
Canberra, Australia on September 27th (National Film and Sound Archive | info)
Wellington, New Zealand on September 27th (Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision | 7pm| info)
León, Spain on September 26th (European mobility week)
Gdansk, Poland on September 26th (Kongres mobilnosci aktywnej | info)
Sint-Truiden, Belgium on September 26th (City Hall | info)
Tudela, Spain on September 25th (European mobility week)
Puebla, Mexico on September 22nd (SPANISH version |Zocalo de Puebla | info)
Utrecht, the Netherlands on September 22nd (Klimaatfestival in Metaal Kathedraal | info)
Astigarraga, Spain on September 20th (SPANISH| info)
Castelldefels, Spain on September 20th (SPANISH| info)
Vittoria, Spain on September 20th (European mobility week)
Salamanga, Spain on September 20th (European mobility week)
Astigarraga, Spain on September 20th (European mobility week)
Valencia, Spain on September 20th (European mobility week)
Kortrijk, Belgium on September 20th (Budascoop | info)
Turnhout, Belgium on September 20th (UGC | 8pm | info)
Bergen, Norway on September 19th (Litteraturhuset | 16:30 | info follows)
Monterrey, Mexico on September 19th (SPANISH Version | info)
Bø, Norway on September 18th (Bø Kino | 7:30pm | info)
Sint-Niklaas, Belgium on September 16th (Bibliotheek | 2pm | info)
New Orleans, USA on September 15th (Le Petit Theatre | info)
Mexico City, Mexico on September 16th (SPANISH Version | info)
Cambridge, UK on September 14th (Storey’s Field Centre | info)
Glasgow, Scotland on September 12th (Closed screening by Sustrans)
Oklahoma City, USA on August 9th (Theatre OKC | info)
London, UK on July 18th (Sustrans London | info)
München, Germany on Juli 6th (Innovation Space (Münchner Freiheit) | 15:00)
Hobart, Australia on July 5th (Bike Futures Conference | info)
Manchester, UK on Juli 1st (HOME Manchester | info)
Belfast, Ireland on June 29th (Cinecycle, Ormeau Baths | info)
Paris, France on June 27nd (l’Auditorium de la Mairie de Paris with C.Najdovski | info)
Dundee, Scotland on June 22nd (EdFoc on tour, Hannah Maclure Centre | info)
Guelph, Canada on June 19th (Bookshelf Cinema 12:30 & 6:00 pm | info)
Trondheim, Norway on June 18th (Sykkelfilmfestival | info)
Dungarvan (Waterford), Ireland on June 14th (SGC Cinema | info)
Limerick, Ireland on June 14th (Fablab Rutland, info)
Sligo, Ireland on June 14th (The Building Block | info)
Edinburgh, Scotland on June 12th (Festival of Cycling, Pleasance Theater | info)
Dublin, Ireland on June 11th (Wood Quay Venue | info)
Hamilton, Canada on June 7th (H W T Centre | info)
Squamish, Canada on May 31st (Bike to School Week | info)
Perth, Australia on May 30st (Cinema Paradiso | info)
Nijmegen, Netherlands on May 29th (Dutch Bicycle Centre | info)
Smithers, Canada on May 25th (Old Church | info)
Aarhus, Denmark on May 24th (Øst for Paradis | info)
Gdynia, Poland on May 21st (Conference Center | info)
Sydney, Australia on May 16th (George Street Cinema | info)
Victoria, Canada on May 14th (The Vic Theater| info)
Espoo, Finland on May 10th (Kino Tapiola, ESPOO International Film Festival | info)
Ottawa, Canada on May 10th (Happy Goat Coffee | info)
Kelowna, Canada on May 9th (Rotary Art Centre | info)
Vancouver, Canada on May 7th (Rio Theater | info)
Trondheim, Norway on 4/5 May (Sykkel Filmfestival | info)
Amsterdam, Netherlands on May 1st (Spui25 University of Amsterdam | info)
Leiden, Netherlands on April 22nd (Cycling City Cinema | info)
Frankfurt, Germany from April 20th until October (German Architecture Museum | info)
Amsterdam, Netherlands on April 20th (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Leeuwarden, Netherlands on April 16th (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Hengelo, Netherlands on April 13th (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Tralee, Ireland on April 12th (Kerry County Library | info)
Zwolle, Netherlands on April 12th (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Eindhoven, Netherlands on April 10th (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Goes, Netherlands on April 3rd (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Utrecht, Netherlands on March 27th (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Nijmegen, Netherlands on March 22nd (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Luxemburg, on March 22nd (with Dutch Embassy | info)
Rotterdam, Netherlands on March 20th (Fietsersbond Cafe | info)
Brisbane, Australia on March 16th (Bicycle Film Festival | info)
Cork, Ireland on March 14th (info)
Auckland, New Zealand on March 7th (info)
Daytona Beach, Florida on February 24th (info)
Barcelona, Spain on February 22th
Antwerps, Belgium on February 22nd (info)
Waterford, Ireland on February 8th (info)
Moscow, Russia on February 7th (Russian Version | info)
Stirling, UK on November 18th 2017 (Closed screening City council and Dutch Cycling Embassy)
#whywecycle salle comble ??
Avec @blanc_etienne @DVullierme @beavessiller @Athouvenot
Présentation @lyoncap @FlorentDeligia @LaVilleaVelo @Fabien_Bagnon pic.twitter.com/5U04n9Gljh— Lyon à Vélo (@LyonAVelo) May 23, 2019
@ChGeourjon “on a vu dans #whywecycle ce que permet la ville inclusive avec le vélo, dans les grandes comme les petites villes, il faut malgré tout faire attention aux piétons” pic.twitter.com/RxwovzcLAe
— Lyon à Vélo (@LyonAVelo) May 23, 2019
— TerryPender (@TerryPender) May 23, 2019
Another full house for #Guelph’s screening of #WhyWeCycle at @Bookshelfnews tonight and great discussion with @ActiveGuelph. https://t.co/nfAEgJJc8U pic.twitter.com/agNZtW18mP
— David Beaton (@davebeaton4) May 23, 2019
We had an audience member in tears practically unable to speak after a showing of Why We Cycle. It kills us to see the Dutch model while our own local and national authorities cannot see beyond #KingCar
— Scott Urban (@Urban_Turbo) 27 maart 2019
How can one feel homesick for a place one has never lived? “Why we cycle” #BikeSummit19
— Matthew Rogers (@mttrgrs) 11 maart 2019
#WhyWeCycle at @OneEarthFF was an amazing documentary. The film makers created a masterpiece that needs to be seen by more people. #ThinkWhyYouBike pic.twitter.com/mZs7dYkOFL
— Brandon Lust ???? (@CaraiVei1) 10 maart 2019
Le réalisateur de #WhyWeCycle: Gertjan Hulster @ghulster. Il ne reste déjà plus de places pour la projection à Paris le 21 février de @ParisEnSelle et @MDBIDF. D’autres projections à venir bientôt. On vous dira! (Photo @NLeconomyinTR) pic.twitter.com/08ZSYOIrg5
— FARàVélo (@FARaVelo) February 15, 2019
The power of #cycling in the documentary “Why We Cycle”. A #bicycle culture can change communities. As co-director @ghulster mentioned: a biking city is even possible in #Istanbul. @imeceplatformu @ZorluPSM #mobility #whywecycle pic.twitter.com/igvFfD62Ea
— NL Economy in TR (@NLeconomyinTR) February 13, 2019
Vanavond bij een vertoning van de documentaire ‘Why we cycle’ in @TheaterRoden geweest. Heel herkenbare beelden en verhalen, maar de docu laat ook nadenken over iets dat voor de meeste Nederlanders vanzelfsprekend is. @kopdrenthefiets @OpFietseDrenthe #opfietse #whywecycle
— Femke Knoop (@HauteHistoire) February 4, 2019
Diffusion exceptionnelle du documentaire néerlandais “Why we cycle” à notre AG, le public est subjugué par le caractère universel et évident du #vélo. Imaginer le possible est le premier obstacle duquel il faut s’affranchir pour cyclabiliser la France ! @Cycling_Embassy pic.twitter.com/Mn9gDJwvWZ— Rayons d’Action (@Rayons_Action) 1 december 2018
I recently watched a Dutch documentary called Why We Cycle. It was fantastic. What I took from it was the mutual trust between cyclists, cars,pedestrians, trains etc… it works because of unwritten rules but mostly the trust.
— charliepax Ⓥ (@paxcharlie) 25 oktober 2018
Ik word blij van #fietsen en werd ook blij van deze documentaire #whywecycle Een aanrader voor stedenbouwkundigen, mobiliteits -experts, maatschappelijk werkers, artsen en gelukzoekershttps://t.co/auJ7m9LFDs
Met dank aan @milieudefensie #klimaatfestival — Jacomijn Pluimers (@JacomijnP) 30 september 2018
Muy interesante el documental “Why We Cycle”. Se muestra la cultura de la bicicleta en Holanda, un ejemplo a seguir. Antes ha habido una actividad de puesta a punto de ? Actividad muy constructiva en la #SemanaEuropeaDeLaMovilidad #VitoriaGasteiz pic.twitter.com/hhBEhQWhZp
— Oscar Fdez Martín (@oskar_fm) 20 september 2018
Thanks to everyone who came to the ‘Why we Cycle’ film this evening as part of @camcyclefest – it was an inspiring watch and promoted discussion on how to improve cycling in Cambridge and film our own cycling culture. Why do YOU cycle? pic.twitter.com/UDfddz1uyX
— Camb. Cycling Cam. (@camcycle) 14 september 2018
Watched the brilliant Why We Cycle film this week narrated by @Chris_Boardman and featuring @fietsprofessor – a superb documentary focussing on the people and stories behind the Netherlands’ cycling culture and the benefits it brings. Well worth a watch.https://t.co/nB1ABDmM2H
— Alistair Ford (@AlistairCFord) 25 september 2018
“Why we cycle” es un muy buen documental, en una de las ciudades con mayor educación vial e infraestructura. ¿Y en México? GDL, CDMX, Acapulco, Monterrey y demás ciudades, díganos ¿POR QUÉ RODAMOS? (En 1 tuit o 2 o muchos) ? pic.twitter.com/T1VdJAqc3c
— Tú,Yo,Todos en Bici (@TuEnBici) 17 september 2018
Spent last night hanging out with 150 of my favorite people watching a movie about Dutch cycling culture & the benefits of making part of your everyday life.
Even better than the film, was the crowd.. advocates, elected officials, casual cyclists, families. #whywecycle pic.twitter.com/XIuVuCY2xx — Ashley Terry (@smashleyterry) 10 augustus 2018
Really enjoyed “Why We Cycle,” a documentary about how bicycle culture can change communities. And proud to see a couple constituents on the post-show panel now! pic.twitter.com/peS0xVkbwh
— Rep. Forrest Bennett (@ForrestBennett) 10 augustus 2018
Watched Why We Cycle during my @KLM flight to Amsterdam. It shows the human side of cycling and explains clearly why it is way more than transportation or leisure. Also spotted @jonwoodroof in action. // @fietsprofessor
— Coen Wesselman (@wsslmn) 7 augustus 2018